

Revive. Regenerate. Awaken to the Rhythm of  Spring. A Spring Equinox Yoga and Ayurveda workshop with Alessandra Pecorella

Saturday 31 March 2018, 14:00–17:00

 The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH

020 7704 0919


Awakening to the Rhythm of Spring Season

Spring calls for regeneration, awakening, growth and warmth. Yet as we wake up from the cold of winter our physical body is in a state of transition and vulnerability.

Join Alessandra for this energising three hour Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop to help facilitate a smooth transition from Winter to Spring. When we live in sync with the flow of Nature we invite optimal health in our life.

Ayurveda informs us that this is the right time of year for cleansing any toxicity accumulated during Winter and revive before Summer and Chinese Medicine advices that we should pay particular attention to the Liver.
Aligning with the shift from the dullness of Winter (Kapha) to the vitality of Spring (Kapha – Pitta), we will re energise and reawaken the dormant parts of our body and mind with practices that are invigorating and activating.

We will work to melt any residue of Winter that is still in our system with a focus on cleansing the Liver and Lungs with specific asanas/ postures.

In particular we will enjoy a sequence of creative twists, backbends and inversions, with pranayama / breathing techniques and mudras/ gestures that stimulates the flow of Prana to clear Kapha (the lethargic rhythm of Winter) out of our system.

All you need is Love! A Valentine’s day Heart Opening workshop with Alessandra and Ann Malone

Saturday 10th February , 2.15 to 5.15 pm

The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH
for Bookings  tel 020 7704 0919


All you need is Love! A Valentine’s Day Heart Opening Workshop with Alessandra and Ann Malone


Join Alessandra and Anne in an Enlivening Movement and Sound workshop that  will focus on opening the Heart Chakra / Centre.
The Heart is, in many traditions, the seat of Emotions and the Soul, the centre of  Self Love, Romantic Love, Healing and Intuitive Knowing. And the Heart Beat is our closest Sound in Motion. 
In this three hrs workshop  we will explore the joy of opening the spine with intelligence and grace, into our Heart of Love. We will build up fluidity from creative namaskars to  backbend peak postures, to the Sacred Sound of vocal tones and Sacred Chants, supporting our journey of motion while in cherished postures. 
We will then balance the deep effects of opening the heart with hip openers and forward bend peak postures, within the rhythm and Heart Beat of Shamanic drum, we will flow into ecstatic dance.
A chance for us to experience and explore the power of your unique Intuitive Intelligence with the power of Sacred Sound and Movement.
Expect intelligent structured sequencing of dynamic asana, pranayama, toning , mudras , Kriyas and bandhas followed by free spontaneous movement; all accompanied by the magical music, shamanic drumming and gentle Mantra singing of Ann Malone. We will bring our Sound and Motion gathering to a gentle completion with a soulful Heart Meditation and long Shavasana Sound Bath.


Navaratri Lakshmi Sadhana: Embodying Abundance!

Tuesday 26th September , 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Aditya Yoga School, West Hampstead London

£ 35

book online at FULLY BOOKED !

Lakshmi Sadhana, Heart Centre

Every year, at New Moon around Autumn Equinox, the auspicious festival of Navaratri ( dedicated to the Goddess Mother Nature ) is celebrated for nine days and nights. Three days are dedicated to goddess Kali/Durga for cleansing the old and making space for the new, three to the goddess of Abundance Lakshmi  and finally the last three days to the goddess of Creativity Saraswati.

Join me in this workshop where i will introduce you to the Yoga practices that we embark on during Navaratri to invite Abundance in our life.

In this three hrs workshop you will explore  the qualities of Lakshmi, with reflection/ Journalling, Meditation from the Tantric tradition on the heart chakra, mantra chanting and pranayama. Then we will flow through a heart centred  creative vinyasa yoga practice to embody the qualities of the Goddess of Abundance in our life and Sadhana.


Hanuman Flow: our hidden potential

Sunday 4th June 14.00 to 16.30 pm


17/19 rue de Chaillot, 75116 PARIS

Euros 45

Fly as the monkey god Hanuman that represents the power hidden within. In particular this session will explore how to apply the concept of Shradda, the connection between our belief ( what we think we cad do ) and our potential ( what we can truly achieve!), in our daily life and in our mat practice ! We will begin with the story of Hanuman from the Ramayana, then incorporate the symbolism of this incredibly strong warrior into our Sadhana. Expect a powerful yet deep flow that revolvesaround the opening of the heart centre.



A three hr Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop to transition into the New Year with enthusiasm and clarity.

Saturday  26 November 2016, 2.00 – 5.00 pm,Valid as CPD with Ya Professionals

The BoilerhouseShirehall Way 
Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2BAUnited Kingdom

£ 35
Please book  Online or contact tel 07795 516065


As  the year draws to a close it is the perfect chance to SLOW DOWN before the Christmas celebrations take off and set clear intentions for the new cycle that is about to begin.

Winter is a time to rest, reflect, hold space, vision, hibernate, withdraw some of your outwardly-focused energy and redirect it inward. In winter you’ll want to invite warmth  and create a sense of purpose and RE-FOCUS your energy in preparation for a new year. This is the perfect time to reflect and  make some quiet time for introspection.

At this time of year Agni, our digestive fire, is at its peak and all the fuel that you have stored in past year ( in the form of experiences) will be necessary to IGNITE our passions and dreams to propel us into 2017!
IN this  three hrs  workshop with Alessandra we will honour this three phases SLOW DOWN: re-FOCUS: IGNITE.
 We will enjoy a warming Vinyasa Flow Practice that consists of asana, pranayama, mudras, bandhas, kriyas all threaded together in the form of Intelligent Vinyasa Flow sequences that will unfold to leave you energised and inspired for Winter Sandhia /Transition into the new Solar cycle of the year.
Bring pen and paper as Alessandra will offer easy to implement daily tips (  lifestyle, yoga techniques and food choices) that will help you maximise your energy level and enthusiasm! There will be also a chance to journal your Intentions for 2017 while sipping warm tea! All at the wonderful Boiler House of Bury St. Edmunds.

Open to All Level but not complete beginners. Preferably you have one year consistent practice.

Autumn Reset: Gratitude and Transformation! The Vinyasa of the Seasons. Lungs/ Large Intestine & Kidney/Bladder Transition Autumn to Winter practice . Valid as CPD

A Vinyasa Flow Detoxifying and Nourishing workshop with World Music .


Date/time: 24 September 2016, 14:10–17:10
The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH
for Bookings  tel 020 7704 0919

Autumn Reset: Kidney Bladder Meridian practices to navigate through the Flow of the season with maximum energy
Autumn Reset: Kidney Bladder Meridian practices to navigate through the Flow of the season with maximum energy

The practice of Yoga was forged primarily following the cycles of Natures to navigate time with intelligence and maximise our health and energy levels.

At Equinoxes and Solstices we have a chance to RESET our Gross ( Physical ) and Subtle ( Nadis and Pranic) Bodies .

Preparing for Autumn This workshop focuses on Yoga routines, techniques and lifestyle tips that allow  to  maximise health and energy levels as we head from Autumn toward Winter by activating the Lungs/ Large Intestine and Kidney / Bladder energy lines.

We will open the workshop with a brief description of the Autumn season and how to cultivate the right  Bhav / mood for the season: Gratitude.

Alessandra will offer a Vinyasa Flow practice that activates the Lungs/ Large Intestines and benefits the Kidney and Bladder, organs and energy lines . In particular  we will incorporate asana, pranayama, bandhas, kriya and sahaja and work with the Elements Earth, Fire and Water to pacify Air and Ether /Vata that is predominant in Autumn season.

The session will be a balance between invigorating and nourishing and you will leave with small routines and ideas that you can take home for self practice.

The knowledge on which this workshop is designed originates from both Ayurveda ( the science sister of Yoga ) and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Come with pen and notepad.

The workshop is open to All Level but not recommended to complete Beginners.


Opening to your Full Potential with Sound, Movement and Soma!

A 3 hrs vinyasa Flow yoga workshop to liberate your Vishudda – Throat centre , stimulate and tone the Vagus ( the Yoga Nerve) with Sound and blossom into the power of Self- Expression. With live music & sound meditation journey performed by Candida Valentino

Saturday 28th May, 14.00 to 17.00 Valid as CPD with Ya UK

£ 35

The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH

To book phone 020 7704 0919

Power of Movement and sound
Power of Movement and sound

I’m inspired to offer this 3 hrs workshop that combines  several techniques of Vinyasa Yoga  with the power of sound ( your voice and live music) to liberate the energy that often gets trapped in your neck and shoulders and in particular around your throat ,the centre of Self expression and listening. When there is  harmony in this Vishudda/ the throat we become the recipient of Soma – nectar of Bliss. Modern science has explained the effect of sounds on the arrangement of molecules  and  neurophysiology has explained why freeing this centre will allow you to blossom and open to your full potential.

On the physical level the throat centre is the seat of the thyroid that regulates the metabolism, the way your body uses energy. On a more subtle energetic level the throat centre connects your brain to your body via the so-called Yoga nerve : the vagus!

The vagus nerve is the most important element of the parasympathetic nervous system -that calms you down by controlling your relaxation response. Vagus nerve acts as the mind-body connection, and it is the cabling behind your heart’s emotions and gut instincts. You cannot control or activate the calming nervous pathways of your parasympathetic system at will  but you can indirectly stimulate your vagus nerve with various techniques of Yoga !

In this 3 hrs workshop we will begin by weaving together vocal warm ups of seed sounds ( bijas) with movement . Then we will  evolve into a vigorous vinyasa led sequence  where we thread an energising practice of asana with ujjiyai breath and lion breath to liberates the shoulder girdle and the neck area. We will encounter advanced peak asanas like peacock feather / Pincha Mayurasana, Galavasana/ Flying pigeon and Natarajasana / Cosmic dancer.

We will culminate the session with a Sound Meditation Journey withTibetan Singing Bowls, Symphonic Gongs, Overtone singing all performed by the acclaimed artist and musician Candida Valentino (


This workshop is open to all the practitioner with a least one year of consistent practice. 


Fire of the Sun – Rhythm of the Heart

A three hr Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop to open the spine with fluidity, intelligence and creativity.

Sunday  24 April 2016, 10:15–13:30,Valid as CPD with Ya UK

The BoilerhouseShirehall Way 
Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2BAUnited Kingdom

£ 35
Please book  Online or contact tel 07795 516065

Balancing the Heart Fire
Balancing the Heart Fire

In this Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop we will align our inner clock to the outer Rhythm of the Sun and the Inner Rhythm of the Heart.

At this time of year we are halfway through the spring equinox and the summer solstice: astronomically this time marks the beginning of summer. Learn how cultivate vibrant health by balancing the dominant elements of Fire and Water. At a physical level the energy transits along the spine yearly, from the base to the crown and back to the base during the cycle of a year. At this time of year the energy will be mainly in the area of your upper chest around the heart centre.

In this three hrs Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop  we will explore how to open the spine in the region of the heart with vigour, intelligence and grace. We will start with fluidity in creative namaskars and reach  backbend peak postures. Then we will step into the descending phase of our exploration, where we balance the deep effect of the heart openers with hip openers, twists and forward bend. Expect intelligent sequencing of asana, pranayama, chanting, mudras , Kriyas and bandhas. Followed by a long Shavasana with sound journey.

This workshop is suitable to all students and Teachers of Yoga with minimum 1 year of regular practice (not suitable for complete beginners).


A New Year Flow & Ayurveda Urban Day Retreat

Living a happy, fulfilling & healthy life. Stepping into 2016 with Intelligence, Ease and Grace.
3 January 2016, 10:00–16:00 , £ 70

 The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH

To book phone 020 7704 0919

Flowing with the Seasons Winter Sadhana
Flowing with the Seasons Winter Sadhana

A New Year Vinyasa Flow Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat on setting powerful intentions, cultivating healthy yogic habits and living in alignment with your Dharma and the flow of the Seasons.

In this urban day-long retreat Alessandra will help you create powerful Sankalpas/ Seed Intentions to step into the New Year with a plan that is aligned to your Dharma (the right way or law of living). This alignment to your true nature results into fulfilment and Happiness

Alessandra will set the flow with a sequence to integrate Hip openers in advanced and unusual postures. This Winter Vinyasa Flow session is designed to store energy at the base of the spine, to build strength and stamina at this time of year. A healthy lifestyle to support our practice is fundamental as without good health all other goals become meaningless.

The practice will be fluid, vigorous and multidimensional, strengthening yet healing to allow great ease, freedom and nourishment  of the spine. There will be time for partner work and exploring variations at the wall, working with hands on and props, a brief exploration of self or partner massage to generate positive heat and deep release in the body.

In the afternoon she will introduce you to the biological clock of the Seasons according to Ayurveda to follow the cycles of Nature and we will look at the lifestyle and diet that is recommended in Winter.

All Levels welcome.


Durga Sadhana: power up your Tapas!

A Vinyasa Flow workshop with focus on refining your understanding of inversions, arm balances and core strength.

Saturday 17 October 14.00-17.00 £35
The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH
Book online or tel 020 7704 0919

Power up your Tapas!
Power up your Tapas!


The nine-day festival of Navratri from October 13 to October 22, 2015 is dedicated to the nine manifestations of Goddess Durga.

Durga is a protective Goddess that represents our inner Radiance. When we experience a low fire in the belly often this results in poor digestion of food and sensory impressions and low immunity. Durga’s seat is in the Solar Plexus and she
is resplendent with immeasurable power as her body was metaphorically created by the joint effort of all the Gods to get rid of a very powerful demon. When we evoke Durga we are willing to master our inner strength, the so called fire in the belly. Through that deep cultivation of fire and heat (Tapas) we can remove the obstacles that are keeping us from reaching our full potential.

Prepare for an invigorating session working with core activating kriyas and breath work, inversions and arm balances, pranayama, bandhas, dristi , mudras and short mantras for empowerment and balancing the inner fire of transformation.

There will be time to break down some interesting postures and also for some partner work.

Open to all students but not for absolute beginners.

Revive! Awakening to the Rhythm of Spring.Valid as CPD

A Vinyasa Flow Detoxifying and Invigorating workshop with Live Music BY DJ B-Sub-Lime.


Date/time: 7 March 2015, 14:15–17:15
The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH
for Bookings online or tel 020 7704 0919

Spring Awakening Mudra
Spring Awakening : Heart Blossoming Mudra stimulating Vyana and Udana Vayus.

Spring calls for regeneration,  awakening, growth and warmth. Yet as we wake up from the cold of winter our physical body is in a state of transition and vulnerability. Ayurveda informs us that this is the right time of year for cleansing any toxicity accumulated during Winter and revive before Summer and Chinese Medicine advices that we should pay particular attention to the Liver.

I have designed  this invigorating three hrs Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop to help facilitate a smooth transition from Winter to Spring as when we sync with the flow of Nature we invite optimal health in our life.We will  work to break any  resistance that is still in our system with a focus on cleansing the Liver and Lungs with specific asanas/ postures, In particular twist, backbends and inversions ,pranayama / breathing techniques and mudras/ gestures that stimulates the flow of Prana to clear Kapha ( the lethargic rhythm of Winter) out of our system. All accompanied by the awesome tunes of DJ B-Sub-Lime!!!

Brendon Rowen, aka “B-Sub-Lime”, has been part of the global chillout & dance festival scene since 1996. He has had the pleasure of working along side artists such as Darshan, Atmos, Eat Static, Shpongle, the Orb, Flying Rhino & is an integral part of music festivals such as Glastonbury Festival of Music & Arts, Sunrise Festival, Waveform, Tribe of Frog, Morning Glory Summer House and many others. When he is not rocking the dancefloor or chilling people out, he works as an accomplished Well Being Consultant at the Light Centre in Moorgate,specialising in Deep Tissue Swedish Massage, Reflexology, Reiki & Talk Therapy.


Cultivate Vibrant Health in Preparation for Summer
With Alessandra Pecorella , valid as CPD with YA UK


Date/time: 10 May 2014, 14:15–16:45
The Life Centre, Islington
1 Britannia Row, London N1 8QH
Book: tel 020 7704 0919 or online

Learn how to balance your Fire in preparation for summer; in this Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop we align our inner clock to the outer Rhythm of the Sun. We will work with Fluidity, deep backbends and creative Namaskar, reach a peak (or more) then balance it all up with deep hip openers and forward bends.

At this time of year we are halfway through the spring equinox and the summer solstice: astronomically this time marks the beginning of summer. Summer is PittaSeason(Fire and Water) and to cultivate vibrant health we should try to bring Balance to the dominant elements of Fire (early summer) and Water (late summer) within ourselves.

In this two and a half hours workshop we will start with a brief description of the energetic transition between Spring  and Summer time. You will learn how to work and integrate lifestyle choices and Yogic Techniques  that encourage you to live in balance with the flow of the Seasons and thus experience better health, vitality and mood.

A dynamic practice of soulful backbends, creative fluid namaskars and by deep hip openers and forward bends will follow. Be ready to be challenged.  These Vinyasa Flow sequences with music have been designed, tried and tested by Alessandra to synch and flow with the rhythm of the increasing light. The choice of all the techniques reflects Alessandra’s experience of living and breathing Yoga and Ayurveda for the past 26 years.

This workshop is suitable to all students and Teachers of Yoga that wish to align and integrate their practice with the rhythm of the day/seasons (not suitable for complete beginners). 

OPTIONAL: for teachers registered as RYT 200, there is an opportunity to attend this workshop as a CPD:
just arrive at 14.00 pm for 15 minutes Karma Yoga and attend the closing 15 minutes meditation/ pranayam session. Pls book this with Alessandra via email ( address below)

Emergence of Spring : Live in alignment with the Flow of the Seasons . Vinyasa Flow Yoga and Ayurveda Workshop with Music.

Spring Twist : Parsva Utthita Trikonasana
Spring Twist : Parsva Utthita Trikonasana
Date/time: 29 March 2014
Price: £28

1 Britannia Row, London, N1 8QH

Booking: Tel: 020 7704 0919 or book online

Spring Equinox is  the time of perfect balance between day and night , the cooling energy of the Moon and the heating power of the Sun. In Yoga and Ayurveda this is considered the perfect time of the year to detoxify and clean the body and mind.

Aligning with the shift from the dullness of Winter (Kapha)  to the vitality of Spring (Kapha – Pitta) , we will re energise and reawaken the dormant parts of our body and mind with practices that are invigorating and activating.

This 2 hrs and a half workshop will fine tune your inner Rhythm to the Rhythm of the Seasons and will consist of a vigorous asana practice ( culminating with advanced asanas)  , balancing and activating pranayama ( breathing techniques to remove stagnant energy and balancing ones to bring the nervous system to optimal function), chanting , free movement meditations, music and sacred sound . This workshop is based  on Alessandra’s experience of living and breathing Yoga and Ayurveda for more than two decades and she will thread  useful tips that will help you improve the quality of your Yoga practice and lifestyle.

This workshop is open to Yoga students and teachers with an interest in living Yoga in alignment with the Rhythm of the Seasons and to all those curious to understand how Ayurveda and Yoga are twin sciences and disciplines.

Not for Complete Beginners


Mandala Flow: Evolutionary Revolutionary Practice. 

with Alessandra Pecorella

Chaturanga Dandasana Parivritta Eka Pada
Chaturanga Dandasana Parivritta Eka Pada


Price: £28

1 Britannia Row, London, N1 8QH

to book Tel: 020 7704 0919 or online

Sri Krishnamacharya defined Vinyasa as a sequence with intelligent unfolding in practice, life or nature. The Vinyasa Cycle, a synonym for Evolutionary Wave, unfolds in spiral patterns. From the double DNA helix to the orbit of the planets revolving around themselves and the central sun, the spiral is a pattern of evolution.

In this workshop we will explore the Mandala (means circular/ cyclical) techniques of threading asanas, ujjiayi pranayama (the breath wave) with mudras, mantras, Kriyas and bandhas. We will open the flow to all directions through circular movements and explore sequences that reflect nature’s intrinsic intelligence.

This Evolutionary/ Revolutionary way of practicing integrates the latest discoveries of modern science (from Quantum Physics to Fractal Geometry) with the beautiful and ever relevant ancient techniques of yoga to craft an innovative way of sequencing that reflect the very fabric of nature’s self-similar patterns! Inspired by the Fluid Power studies with Shiva Rea, informed and infused by Alessandra’s personal practice and research.

This workshop is open to teachers, teachers in training and students of yoga alike with a keen interest in integrating the benefits of yoga in their lifestyle.

Not for complete beginners.

Maximum participants: 30


Summer Workshops in Cheltenham 5th/ 6th July


for more information

Devotion in Motion 1: A Creative Vinyasa Flow Yoga Workshop with World Music and Live Gong by Claire Barron.

Saturday 25 May 2013 , 2.30 p.m. to 5.00p.m.  £ 30

The Life Centre Islington

1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

Book Online

eka pada bakasana
eka pada bakasana

In this workshop we will make use of the Myths behind the asanas to evoke and stimulate the inner potential that lie dormant within us. We will flow through swirls of asanas that activate a particular quality or mood, like taking little journeys of embodiment. We will be accompanied by world music that inspire a particular Bhava (feeling state) and by the sound of the epic Gong.

Devotion in Motion is part of a series of three workshops. This time we will voyage through:
Garudasana and Galavasana series. Garuda , the carrier of the pot of amrita, is often associated with the Phoenix and is a symbol of transformation and enormous hidden potential. Its myth tells us about the inner fire of evolution. We will journey to explore bhuja and Jaghana Kramas/ shoulder and hip’s sequences that prepare for intermediate to advanced variations of balancing poses and inversions, in particular sirsasana/ headstand.
The session will be punctuated by the sound of the gong and will end with a blissful Gong Bath in Savasana, offered by my friend Gong Master and Meditation teacher Claire Barron.
This workshop is open to everyone with a passion for the benefits of Vinyasa Flow Yoga and healing sound (not for absolute beginners) and is particularly useful to teacher trainees and teachers, as you will gain a different perspective on your Sadhana /practice.

Not for Complete Beginners


A Vinyasa Flow & Restorative Yoga  event Fundraising for the HAckney Yoga Project

Saturday 23 February 2013 , 5.00 p.m. to 7.30p.m.

The Life Centre Islington

check the Seva page for full details of this event


Radiantly alive: creative vinyasa flow to detox and strenghten the spine.

Saturday 16 February 2013 , 2.00 p.m. to 4.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington

1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

Book through The Life Centre
Detox –  Rejuvenate – Recharge in this 2 hrs creative flow workshop for a flexible, healthy and  strong spine. Accompanied by World Tunes
Spiral, twist and free the spine!
Spiral, twist and free the spine!

In yoga we call the spine Merudanda that literally means the Central axis of the body.

At a more subtle level the Spinal Column is the phisycal highway for prana-shakti ( energy lying dormant at the base) and the counterpart of the main energetic channel of the body: Sushumna Nadi.  It is the house of the Central Nervous System that  acts as the  internet  of the physical body keeping all the parts connected and informed at the speed of light.
A healthy and flexible spine will  not only reflect in a  healtier physical body but also in a sharper mind that is capable of experiencing higher levels of perception. When Sushumna is awakend you feel radiantly alive!
In this workshop  we will thread a “Danda” movement meditation with creative  sequences that work the spine in an intelligent manner , through spiralling , twisting, bending, folding  asanam.  We will progressively work toward more intense and refined postured in a safe and sustainable way.
Not For Complete Beginners


End of the Year: High Energy Vinyasa Flow with Live and world  Music Workshop

with Cristhmas Dinner and Drinks to follow

Saturday 8th December 2012 , 2.00 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington 1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

Book here

eka pada Koundinyasana

Running for the third year  in a row this very popular combination of high energy Vinyasa Flow YOga with Music will be a celebration of the End of the Year. In this workshop we will honour this important transition (the Return of the Light at Winter Solstice)

Solstices are special junctures called sandhyas. In particular the winter one represents the light overcoming darkness. Like the early morning light sweeps away the darkness as it illuminates the day, sandhya sadhana (practice at the juncture) purifies, enlightens, and nourishes the body and mind.

In this three hour workshop you will enjoy solar movement meditations, fire breath and fire kriyas (fast exercises to generate inner light), flow yoga, mantras, live music and soundbath! We will close with a special “end of the year” meditation.

We will flow through invigorating yoga sequences accompanied by world tunes and Ann Malone’s live music. Ann plays an impressive selection of instruments (the hang, guitar, rainstick and Tibetan bowls). The combination of focussed intention, deep rhythmic breathing, awareness, movement and sound creates the perfect landscape to set your energy and liberate your inner potential. This is the time when it’s particularly powerful and meaningful to get together to practise and plant the seeds of intentions for the year to come, and let go of the past cycle in gratitude!

Not for complete Beginners.


Cultivating Inner Radiance.

A Vinyasa Flow Yoga Workshop with world tunes and the Live Music of Ann MAlone

Saturday 20 October 2012 , 2.00 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington 1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

Book here

Winter Sadhana. Tending the inner fire

Tend your inner Fire in preparation for the winter months! Yoga is a celebration of the connection with light: the external light ( the amount of daylight we receive throughout the year  and that is responsible for the seasons) and the inner radiance that we cultivate as a daily practice of awareness.As we are approaching winter there is a natural tendency for our energy to withdraw down towards the EArth.As we might start to feel more introverted and less active it is important that we tend our inner fire.

We will work with the fire of digestion and a series of cleansing detoxifying techniques to burn all impurities that create a sense of lethargy and inertia.We will then move towards the ignition of the fire of passion. That is such an important part of our Sadhana ( practice) as, in the long run, we will only be capable of sustainying what we really love. Finally we will  work  towards the innermost fire, the flame of devotion, that is the attitude that keeps us connected with our true intention. Most of all we will connect with our energetic body by maintainig a constant high level of awareness.

 This workshop aims at boosting our prana, energy and optimism , joy and positivity. All those qualities are arising from an increased inner radiance. An increased amount of prana is experienced ad wellbeing and happiness. In particular our inner radiance is the subtle counterpart of our inner fire.
 The practice of yoga asanam sustained by deep rhythmic breathing, focussed intention and beautiful music creates the perfect landscape to tend our inner fire. Sacred Sound ( by Ann MAlone) enhances our exprience of the energetic body through the power of vibration.

Not for complete Beginners.

YOGA FLASH MOB ! Free check out the video!

Saturday 21st July , Islington Green N1 London, 14.00 to 14.20

On Saturday 21 July The Life Centre will be hosting a flash mob yoga event on Islington Green (the triangle between Upper Street and Essex Road).   The flash mob will raise awareness about yoga, and create an event where w…e can come together, enjoy some yoga in the fresh air and have some fun along the way!
Lululemon athletica will be at the event educating and handing out complimentary yoga class passes as part of their Passport to Yoga initiative, which will run 27th July – 12th August and is all about sharing the gift of yoga with the local and international community. These passes can be redeemed at The Life Centre or any of the other participating studios.
Yoga Flash Mob! Come and flash your mat on the grass

The flash mob will begin at 14:00. Everyone will hang around the Green until the teacher, Alessandra, places her pink yoga mat on the ground and sits down. When Alessandra is seated, everyone also places their own mats down, and takes a seated pose. It’s important that Alessandra leads the way and we ask that no one places their mat down until she is seated. Alessandra will then lead a 20 minute class, followed by a minute of silence at the end. The idea is to quickly disperse after the class so that life on the Green goes on as normal.

This event is free. We ask that you register for the class online ( at   so we have a better idea of numbers. Please feel free to bring your friends.
We look forward to sharing this fun event with you and spread the light of yoga in London.

Shiva – Shakti Flow: Strength and Grace

A vigorous and soulful Vinyasa Flow Yoga Workshop with Music where we explore the coexistence of opposite qualities within asanas, pranayama and meditation.

Saturday 26 May 2012 , 2.30 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington 1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

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Shiva Shakti
Shiva Nataraja and his Shakti!

In this Vinyasa Flow Workshop with music we will explore the coexistence of these opposite qualities within asanas, pranayama and meditation. We will begin introducing the roles of Shiva and Shakti in Yoga as well as our daily lives and learn short Shiva and Shakti Mantra ( seed sounds that activate the respective qualities within us).We will move onto a liberating movement meditation . We will then flow through beautiful sequences that are revolving around the integration of Strenght and Grace within asanas – postures, pranayama – breathwork , and meditation.  To close Alessandra will guide you through one of the meditations from her cd” SHabda”, based on the powerful mantra Om Na – Ma -Shi – Va -Ya!

Chakras Awakening Flow 

An invigorating Vinyasa Flow Yoga workshop with Music

Saturday 25 February 2012 , 2.30 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington 1 Britannia Row Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

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Chakras : Wheels of awareness

 Chakras are described as “wheels of light” within our central channel, the spiritual spine called Sushumna nadi.

They are energetic centres where prana the vital force is transformed and the gross and subtle body intersect.They allow for communication between the physical , the pranic and  the mental bodies. They are like telephones between our outer and the inner layers of reality and they regulate our level of vitality.

In this Vinyasa Flow yoga workshop with Music we will make use of several techniques to awaken our awareness of the flow of energy within the six main Chakras.

We will briefly explore thename and role of Chakras in our daily life, their location, Bija mantra seed sound /vowels.  We will open with a whirling movement meditation and  flow through invigorating sequences of asanas postures , pranayam  breathwork , Bija mantra seed sounds chanting to activate , enliven and allow for a greater awareness of the Chakras. The greater the awareness the greater the flow of energy to these centres!

To close the practice Alessandra will offer one or two simple meditation techniques from her new cd ” Shabda “ ( Chakras , Breath  and Sound)  which are powerful methods of introspections, streaming directly from the Kriya-Tantra tradition.


End of the Year: Water and Fire. Flow Yoga workshop with Ann Malone -Live Music – and Dirish – Shakti Dance!

Saturday 3 December 2011 , 2.30 p.m. to 5.30p.m.

The Life Centre Islington
1 Britannia Row
Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

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 In this workshop we will get together to honour this important transition ( the End of the Year and the Beginning of Winter – Winter Solstice) . Come and enjoy a 3 hrs  session  consisting of fluid movement meditations, fire breath and fire kriyas, flow yoga , mantras, live music , Shakti dance and Soundbath!
 The name Winter  comes from an old Germanic word that means “time of water”. Harnessing Fire we navigate through this transition and times of great transformation
 We will flow through energising yoga sequences that relate to the element Water and will be accompanied by Ann Malone at the Hangs, Shaman Drum, Guitar and   Tibetan Bowls! To close  Dirish will guide us through the liberating Shakti Dance and Ann will offer her mythical SoundBath!

 Not for Complete Beginners


Heart Flow: Prana and Fire. Flow Yoga workshop with Live music with Ann Malone

Saturday 24 September 2011 , 3.30 p.m. to 6.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington
1 Britannia Row
Islington, London, N1 8QH. Tel: 020 7704 0919

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Heart: prana & fire

Autumn Equinox Blessings!  At this time of the year the universal energy (shakti) coils back towards the Earth and this reflects in a descent of prana-shakti (life force) along the spine toward its base. The Equinox is when prana–shakti is half way in its descent at the Heart Centre.

 Join in this heart centred energetic and enlivening flow yoga workshop with Live Music and sound bath, where we  will tune in and resonate with the inherent rhythm of our heart. We will flow through liberating movement meditations, balancing pranayama ( breathing techniques), with the use of mantra (sound) and creative sequences of stances and asanas that relate to our sacred heart.

We will be blessed by the Live Music of Ann Malone with her amazing array of instruments, the Shamanic Drum, the Hang, the Harmonium and acoustic guitar.

  Not for complete Beginners

Rhythmic Flow: Earth and Fire

Flow Yoga workshop with Live music , with guest players Ann Malone and Tabla Tom

Saturday 14 May 2011 , 2.30 p.m. to 5.00p.m.

The Life Centre Islington
1 Britannia Row
Islington, London, N1 8QH.

Tel: 020 7704 0919

 Book Online

Rhythm of Earth and Fire

In this workshop we will explore the importance of our roots in Flow Yoga by working with the universal Shakti (the power behind the manifest universe) in the forms of Earth and Fire.  Earth represents our body and our spine. It has the power to support, carry, resist and sustain.Fire represents the flame of the soul. It has the power to transform and enliven.Join in this energetic and enlivening flow yoga workshop with Live Music and sound bath where you will learn how to work with gravity (and anti-gravity!) as well as inner magnetism  experienced as the heat generated by your focussed intention and unbroken stream of awareness  . We will learn how to tune in and resonate with the inherent rhythm of our bodies through liberating movement meditations, creative sequences of stances and asanas that relate to our inner strength and the capability to nourish rather than deplete ourselves of life force.

We will be blessed by the Live Music of Ann Malone with her amazing array of instruments, the Shamanic Drum , the Hang, the Harmonium and acoustic guitar and Tabla Tom at the tabla. Ann will offer a healing sound Bath at the end of the session, where a huge Tibetan bowl is used to shower your body of debris

  Not for complete Beginners


Celebrating the End of the Year :Flow Yoga workshop with Live music and Shakti Dance!

with special guests Ann Malone and Dirish

Sunday 12 December 2010 , 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

134 Liverpool Road
Islington, London, N1 1LA


Celebrate the end of the year meaningfully with this powerful combination of Flow Yoga with Live music and Shakti Dance.  In this workshop we will honour this important transition ( the End of the Year) with a special ritual consisting of movement meditations, fire breath and fire kriyas ( fast exercise to generate inner light), flow yoga , mantras, live music , Shakti dance and soundbath! 
We will flow through beautiful yoga sequences and will be accompanied by Ann Malone’s impressive selection of instruments , from the Hang to the Tibetan Bowls!and Dirish will guide us through the shaking Shakti Dance,  a way to liberate your inner potential through movement.
Not For Complete Beginners
 To see images of this workshop click here

Halloween Workshop!

31 October  – 10.30 a.m.  – 13.30 p.m.

134 Liverpool Road
Islington, London, N1 1LA

“Divine Goddesses: Kali, Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati, how to cultivate the connection with the Devatas“.

with “ghost” player Margherita Picardi (Djembe)

Durga Yantra

In this workshop we will focus on the Istha  Devatas ( translates as chosen Deity , in particular Goddesses ) that are universal energies that have been venerated for centuries and incarnate powers as archetypes, beings and forces all in one. We will learn how to connect to these principles internally and externally.The workshop will cover a brief description of the four main female Devatas of the hindu pantheon :

 Kali, Durga, Lakhsmi and Saraswati.

Then we will learn their short and long Mantras. We will integrate meaningful asanas (postures ) that relate to the tattwas ( elements ) that are specific to each Goddess. Each Goddess resides in a specific Chakra ( centre in your energy body ). I will also thread visualizations, movement meditations and Kriyas  (exercise that generate inner light ) into the tapestry of our group Sadhana (practice).

Not for Complete Beginners

* to see images and read feedbacks of this workshop click here

5 June – 2.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.

“Shiva – Shakti Flow: the soulful and playful interaction of the divine couple”

with Guest Players Ann Malone (tibetan bowls, Hang , Guitar) and Marghe Picardi (Djembe)


St. James Hall,11 Prebend St, London N1 8PF

SHiva Shakti in Anahata
Shiva Shakti in Anahata , image courtesy Pieter Weltevrede


Shiva SHakti Vinyasa will be about exploring and expressing the 2 cosmic energies: Shiva is silence. Shakti is power. Shiva is creativity. Shakti is creation. Shiva is love. Shakti is loving. These qualities are complements. When they unite that gives rise to tremendous potential and divine creativity. The current that connects them is the creative force of the universe. We will practice  exploring opposites, threading movement meditations, asanas, kriyas ( fast exercises generating inner light ) , Moola Bandha breathing, Shiva and Shakti mantras, and more. All as usual accompanied by inspiring tunes !

Not for Complete Beginners

* To see images of this workshop  click here

8 May – 2.30 p.m. – 5.30 p.m.

“How to Honour your inner Sun: celebrate your core strenght by igniting your sacred fire”.


St. James Hall,11 Prebend St, London N1 8PF

Surya the Sun, image courtesy Pieter Weltevrede

The inner sacred fire is the spark of life. Surya is one of the three main gods of the Vedas. We will briefly look  at the role of the Sun in mythology. Surya is the life and energy giver. In our physical body the Solar Plexus is the seat of fire. This workshop will be about igniting your sacred fire, that results into living your life with passion and in accord with our spirit.


* To see images of this workshop and read feedbacks click here






“Chakra Vinyasa: ascend through the spine and through the subtle Wheels of light”. 

7  February  – 10.30 a.m.- 13.30 p.m.


Rochelle School & Club Row, Arnold Circus, London E2 7ES

Chakras are energy centres of transformation located in your subtle body. In this inspiring workshop we will work with sound, visualization, movement meditations, postures and breathing to enhance the flow of prana (life force) to these centres. Cleansing/ healing /balancing the chakras will empower you and will reflect in an increased energy level, improved emotional and physical health.


* To see images of this workshop and read feedbacks click here


31 October 2009 – 2.30 to 5.00

Chakras, image courtesy Pieter Weltevrede

Chakra Vinyasa.


Ascend through the spine and deepen your understanding of the ” sacred wheels of light”, using mantras,asanas, pranayam and dharana darshan.

Not for complete Beginners

Have you ever considered taking your Sadhana (personal practice) to a deeper level? Then join in the Chakra Vinyasa workshop for an inspiring and uplifting afternoon where you and other fellow yogis will learn a few Chakra cleansing /healing/tuning and balancing  techniques.  We will explore briefly the meaning and role of Chakras in our daily life, their location, colour, Bija mantra (seed sound). This is followed by Dharana Darshan (concentration and visualization), asanas and pranayam. We will close with an inspiring meditation upon the “wheels of light”.



18 April 2009 2.30 to 5.00

ganesh goddesses
Lakshmi , Saraswati and Ganesha

Goddesses Kali, Durga, Lakhsmi and Saraswati.


Learn how to connect with the Goddesses Kali, Durga, Lakhsmi and Saraswati. Exploring the feminine aspect of the practice,through mantras,asanas, pranayam and dharana darshan (concentration and visualization).

Not for complete Beginners

Know more about the four main Goddesses of the Hindu pantheon:

Kali, Goddess of destruction and powerful remover of obstacles, especially those blocking Muladhara, your first chakra at the base of the spine. Durga, the protectress, the Radiant Goddess who governs your Manipura chakra (in your Navel area) and gives you streght and power. Lakshmi, Goddess of beauty and Abundance, which resides in your spiritual heart centre (HRIDAYA). Saraswati, Goddess of the Arts and Wisdom, who trickles her divine knowledge through you when your higher centres are open and tuned.