
November 2011 sees the release of ” Shabda” my Meditation Cd with the Live Music of Ann Malone.

Shabda is the Sanskrit word for sound, spoken words that are uttered, whispered or repeated mentally. Sound is vibration with the power of creating a concept, an image in our mind. In this cd i explore the use of Breath , Awareness and Sound along the Chakra System.

Meditation on the Chakras, Breath and Sound. WIth Live Music

What is on this cd

This cd is based on the Kriya tradition, which i have received orally from Swamy Kriyananda in the early 90’s. I offer three meditations that are meant to familiarize you with the Chakra system and the use of Breath, Awareness and Sound along the chakras. These techniques are preliminary practices  to balance and strengthen the nervous system of the practitioner in preparation for Kriya Yoga. The techniques of Kriya Yoga are rather advanced and powerful and they are better learned under the direct supervision of a teacher.
All accompanied by mesmerising Tamboura and the healing Live Hang and Tibetan Bowls by Ann Malone.
Tips : How to make the most of your meditation practice when Listening to Shabda.
Listen to the introduction Tracks and select a meditation  that you want to practice. I suggest that you listen to the meditation once or twice before you actually practice it.
Ideally create a playlist with your selected meditation introduction , followed by the meditation , shavasana soundbath and Om Shanti to close your practice.
As you become familiar with the technique you will want to skip the introduction and allow some silent time at the end of the practice to be absorbed in the state that arises during meditation.
Close your practice Chanting Om Shanti Shanti Shanti